What Type of Pool Chlorine is Best for Your Pool?

Before we answer this question, lets go over the basics of what chlorine types are available.Chlorine can be either Stabilized or non-stabilized. This refers to the addition of a chemical called cyanuric acid to the chlorine. Cyanuric acid shields the chlorine from the sun, sort of like sun protection for your chlorine.So the first question is, “Is your pool indoors or outdoors?” Indoor pools don’t need stabilized chlorine, and neither do portable spas. These types of pools may benefit from bromine.Stabilized Pool Chlorine:The most common form of stabilized chlorine is Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione, which is the chemical compound found in chlorine tablets and sticks. The other form of stabilized chlorine is a certain type of granular pool shock. While granular still has the stabilizer in the chemical compound (SodiumDichloro-S-Triazinetrione) the difference comes in the percentage of available chlorine and the effect of granular chlorine on the pool water.Non-Stabilized Pool Chlorine:Liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) has some complications in its use:1. It is only 10-15% available chlorine, and has more sodium than chlorine.2. It is the fastest acting due to the fact that it is pre-dissolved.3. It is un-stabilized or unprotected against the sun’s UV rays.4. Pouring it directly into the pool will cause the chlorine to have peaks and valleys instead of having a steady safe level.5. Increases pH Levels dramatically.One thing that all chlorine types have in common is that when they dissolve in water, they produce hypochlorous acid, which is the active ingredient in chlorine. Without it, contaminants, organic matter, viruses and pathogens begin to grow in any untreated body of water.


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