Getting Your Pool Ready for A Party!

With summer on the horizon, it’s time to start thinking about pool parties. Backyard swimming pools bring family and friends together, and having a pool party gives you an excuse to enjoy your pool.So, pick a date, blow up the floats, and strike up the grill, because it’s time to have a party!Getting Ready Before the PartyAfter you’ve selected your party date, the next thing you want to do is schedule a pool check up to take place one to two weeks before your party date. At Atlantis Pools, this is something we offer complimentary to all our service customers. Every summer we get numerous last minute calls from pool owners on the day of their party having issues with their pools. This summer, avoid any last minute stress by having your pool checked in advance to make sure everything is working properly.Before you invite everyone you know, or at least the people you want enjoying your pool, make sure your pool is clean, operating perfectly and ready to be enjoyed. You also want to ensure that all pool chemical levels are where they need to be.During the PartySweep the pool deck – Be sure walking surfaces around the pool area are free of debris and tripping hazards. Remember that most guests will be walking barefoot in these areas and even the smallest culprits can cause unwanted falls, bumps and cuts.Skim one last time – Grab the skimming net and give the pool a last once-over. Crystal clear waters will entice your guests to jump right in!Be ready for emergencies – Be sure to have a first-aid kit on hand for the day, and consider hiring or designating a lifeguard for the duration of the party.Enforce a “No Glass Around the Pool” rule. Broken glass in water can be invisible to the naked eye and very costly to clean up.Have towels on hand – Keep guests comfortable and reduce slippery falls by providing extra towels throughout the pool space.After the PartyTaking care of your pool after a party is just as important as getting it ready.Your pool just had a bunch of people swimming in it for hours, leaving behind all sorts of dirt and debris (yes, humans are dirty). We, as swimmers, contribute all types of unwanted debris in swimming pools, including body oils, lotions, and makeup. Keep your filter running and make sure you get your water checked by your pool service professional.Happy pool-partying!


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