Pool Slides and Diving Boards

For many pool owners, the perfect pool accessory is pool slide or diving board. Slides and diving boards are much more than accessories though, they can add a whole new level of fun to your swimming experience, but they can also add a new level of risk.As long as they are properly maintained and used with caution, diving boards can be the epitome of summer time fun. Diving board injuries can occur in a variety of different scenarios. From diving improperly to landing on top of another swimmer, here are 10 diving board rules to keep you and your family safe:

  1. Never dive or use a diving board under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  2. Always wait until other divers or swimmers leave the diving area before diving.
  3. Look before you leap.
  4. Never allow more than one person on a diving board at one time.
  5. Never dive into the shallow end of a pool.
  6. Keep diving area and pool deck clean and free of toys or pool equipment.
  7. Keep your dive controlled. Never dive towards the shallow end of the pool.
  8. Dive off of the end of the diving board or diving platform. Do not dive off of the side.
  9. Bounce only once. No running dives.
  10. Never hang on the board.

Lately, we have been removing more diving boards than we are installing. The boards must be maintained properly to ensure safety. If your board shows any signs of rust or cracking, I recommend having it removed.Slides also must be removed or replaced if they are getting old and showing signs of wear and tear. Whether it’s a pool slide or diving board that you’re contemplating for the summer, one important common thing for both is safety. Make sure you have a zero-tolerance policy regarding horsing around or misuse of a diving board or pool slide.


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